Tioman will delight you with its irresistible lure of holiday-making, discovery and, of course, diving. Located off the east coast of Pahang, Tioman is easily accessible by a combination of land and boat routes or directly by air. Regardless of your mode of transportation, the rewards awaiting will definitely be worth it.
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Start with the dive site of Pulau Renggis, which lies off Tekek Beach. You’ll find an assortment of reef life in vast gardens of hard corals. Cuttlefish, angelfish, barracuda and turtles are common here.
Deep diving enthusiasts will love Pulau Chebeh, the site of several giant manta sightings. You will relish the thrill of the deep sea and the sight of huge gorgonian sea fans.
Wreck divers will enjoy the Soyak Wreck with its many soft and hard coral adornments. Moorish idols, trevally and angelfish abound here in a sunken hull not more than 20 metres deep. This means plenty of time for exploration.
Labas, or Pirate Island, offers a fascinating topography with its large submerged and semi-submerged boulders.
Tioman remains the destination of choice for all kinds of budgets, lifestyles and preferences. Time is your only real and limiting factor.
The southern state of Johor is blessed with beautiful islands and splendid diving opportunities not to be missed.
Lying just off the northeast coast of Borneo is Sipadan, Malaysia’s only oceanic island.
Just like Sipadan, Pulau Mabul has grabbed the world’s attention for its own attractions.
Pulau Lankayan is another unforgettable gem offering a fascinating array of diving opportunities in a remarkably small area.
Mantanani’s reputation as a dive destination is growing as fast as its tourist arrivals.
The southern state of Johor is blessed with beautiful islands and splendid diving opportunities not to be missed.
Lying just off the northeast coast of Borneo is Sipadan, Malaysia’s only oceanic island.
Just like Sipadan, Pulau Mabul has grabbed the world’s attention for its own attractions.
Pulau Lankayan is another unforgettable gem offering a fascinating array of diving opportunities in a remarkably small area.
Mantanani’s reputation as a dive destination is growing as fast as its tourist arrivals.